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7 January 2021
Fresco Flowers starts using the CircularBag

Our Circular Plastics Alliance partner Fresco Flowers has been using a collection bag for their plastic waste for years. They recently switched to the CircularBag.

Jaap Buis, Marketing Manager: “An ordinary collection bag is not that exciting, but the CircularBag has a story. And for a few weeks now Fresco Flowers has also been using its own plastic waste press.”

The CircularBag can be found on the production floor of Fresco Flowers. Fresco Flowers has a total of 23 production lines and they collect approximately 125 kg of plastic waste per week. The employees know how important it is that only foil goes in the bags. So certainly no cans or coffee cups as this would seriously disrupt the process.

For several weeks now, Fresco Flowers has also been using its own plastic waste press. The CircularBags are deposited here, finely pressed into a bale and then collected by Kras Recycling. The press is compact and ensures a cleaner production floor because the bags are no longer in a corner. A number of nearby companies have now also switched to the CircularBag and deliver the full bags to Fresco Flowers for the plastic waste press. A great collaboration!

Fresco Flowers is satisfied with the CircularBag, they find it an easy way to collect foil and thus contribute to an important link in the chain for producing recycled sleeves for their roses.

Click here to read more about Fresco Flowers.


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